Colegio Fervan is a private school founded in 1981 in Bogotá, Colombia. There are currently two locations. The "Colegio Fervan" directly in Bogotá and the "Colegio Fervan Campestre" in the countryside, about 35 km west of Bogotá.

Colegio Fervan Gelände
Colegio Fervan Campestre

From kindergarten to the Colombian Abitur (Bachillerato), almost 900 students are trained in both schools. Colegio Fervan is part of the national school system in Colombia. Unlike in many other countries, as a private school it is not a school for the upper class. The students belong to the lower and middle strata of society, who often also receive scholarships. This makes it possible that regardless of the financial situation of the parents, the children can attend a good school. For many years, Colegio Fervan has been among the 3% of the best schools in Colombia. The benchmark for this ranking is the average results of the Colombian baccalaureate.

Colegio Fervan Hund
"We sow life and bring people into harmony with nature"

Since 2006, the students of the Colegio Fervan have been learning German as a second foreign language in addition to English, from the 1st grade onwards. Since 2012, Colegio Fervan has also been part of the PASCH initiative (Partner Schools for the Future) as a FIT school. Since 2006, the students of the Colegio Fervan have been learning German as a second foreign language in addition to English, from the 1st grade onwards. Since 2012, Colegio Fervan has also been part of the PASCH initiative (Partner Schools for the Future) as a FIT school.

Colegio Fervan Deutsch

In addition to preparing for a possible course of study and teaching foreign languages from an early age, great importance is attached to imparting an awareness of the environment and nature to young people. One of the focal points of the Colegio is to bring the students and their families back into close contact with nature.

This is particularly evident at the location in the countryside. On an area of 45,000 m2, a separate farm was integrated. In this lively concept, the pupils experience a responsible and sustainable use of the resources of their environment in the school garden and in the small cloud forest from kindergarten onwards. With the founding of the rural school, the environmental project "Soy Eco-lógico" – "I am ecological" was launched. As an integral part of the school, several short- and long-term projects have already been implemented – more will follow.  

During the construction and expansion of the school, great importance is attached to the careful use of natural resources.

The rainwater harvesting system is an example of bringing the element of water closer to the children. The rainwater is collected via the large school roofs and collected in a large water reservoir. This water reservoir can supply the school for about 3 weeks without burdening the public water supply. The water of the district aqueduct is pumped up from lower springs directly under the property of the Colegio. The careful handling of the element of water also supports the water supply for the neighborhood.

The children learn very early that waste incineration is a big problem for the groundwater, so a cycle for organic waste from the canteen has been established. The children learn to compost and use the valuable compost as fertilizer as part of the "sustainable agriculture" project.  Together with farmers from the neighbourhood, Colegio has initiated a waste project for the region. It has been achieved that household waste that cannot be used in the cycle is collected and disposed of professionally.

In the forestry project, the students have already planted over 5,000 trees. All projects are important components of the curriculum and accompany the students during their time at Colegio Fervan.

Colegio Fervan - Schulmädchen
Schoolchildren planting trees

What's next?

A school project for reforestation
Colegio Fervan is located almost 3,000 meters above sea level in a region with one of Colombia's most endangered terrestrial ecosystems. The cloud forest there is in great danger, so the Colegio wants to reconnect the remnants of a formerly large cloud forest.  For this purpose, about 5000 trees are to be planted on an area of about one hectare.

In class, the children learn the basics of sustainable forestry and the importance of the cloud forest in theory. In the afternoon we go out into nature to help with the tree work and put theory into practice. This teaching content contributes significantly to the mindful handling of nature and it will provide the children with a knowledge that also improves their chances on the job market. More trees are needed!  

Colegio Fervan Gruppenbild
Visit to Colegio Fervan Campestre in April 2022

Renewable energies

In the field of renewable energies, there are great opportunities in Colombia and globally. The Colegio rainwater harvesting system makes great sense sustainably and economically. The cost of the district aqueduct could be reduced. All community members, especially the small farmers, benefit from this.  It is planned to develop further projects in the field of renewable energies. Unfortunately, it is a big exception in Colombia that these topics are taught to the students. The Colegio wants to integrate the topic of "renewable energies" into the curriculum from the very beginning, so that during the 11 school years the pupils can be taught a sustainable knowledge of sustainable energy supply.

The basis is the construction of solar and wind plants in order to impart practical knowledge. How is a system structured, how is it operated and maintained? We are convinced that we can significantly improve our children's job opportunities through a good mix of theory and practice.

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